Discover July Birthstone Jewelry: A Guide to Buying in Australia and Russia

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Whether you're in Australia or Russia, finding the perfect ruby jewelry piece can be an exciting adventure. This blog post will guide you through the process of buy july birthstone jewelry in these two countries, providing insights into the market.



July birthstones are a popular choice for jewelry enthusiasts and those looking for meaningful gifts. The primary birthstone for July is the ruby, a gem known for its vibrant red color and durability. Whether you're in Australia or Russia, finding the perfect ruby jewelry piece can be an exciting adventure. This blog post will guide you through the process of buy july birthstone jewelry in these two countries, providing insights into the market, tips on purchasing, and real-life case studies to make your shopping experience smooth and enjoyable.

Understanding Rubies: The July Birthstone

Rubies are a type of corundum mineral, the same family as sapphires. They are valued for their deep red hue, which is caused by the presence of chromium. Rubies are known for their hardness, ranking 9 on the Mohs scale, making them an excellent choice for everyday wear. Historically, rubies have been associated with love, passion, and power, making them a favored choice for engagement rings and other significant jewelry pieces.

The Jewelry Market in Australia

Australia has a robust jewelry market with a strong focus on quality and design. The country's rich history of gemstone mining, including opals and sapphires, has established a solid foundation for the jewelry industry.

Key Players in the Market

  1. 925 SILVER SHINE: A well-known name in Australian jewelry retail, offering a wide range of ruby jewelry, including rings, necklaces, and bracelets.
  2. Angus Coote: Known for their extensive collection of birthstone jewelry, including classic and contemporary ruby pieces.
  3. Prouds The Jewellers: A trusted retailer with a history dating back to 1903, offering a variety of ruby jewelry options.

Buying Ruby Jewelry in Australia: Tips and Insights

Know Your Rubies

When purchasing ruby jewelry, it’s essential to understand the quality factors that determine a ruby's value:

  • Color: The most valuable rubies have a pure, vibrant red color. Any hints of brown or purple can lower the stone's value.
  • Clarity: While inclusions are common in rubies, the fewer visible inclusions, the higher the stone's value.
  • Cut: A well-cut ruby will enhance the stone's color and brilliance.
  • Carat: Larger rubies are rarer and therefore more valuable.

Check Certifications

Ensure that the ruby jewelry you purchase comes with a certification from a reputable gemological laboratory. This certification verifies the authenticity and quality of the ruby.

Compare Prices

Shop around and compare prices from different retailers. This will give you a good idea of the market rate and help you find the best deal.

Case Study: Buying Ruby Jewelry in Sydney

Emma, a Sydney-based professional, decided to buy a ruby engagement ring. After researching online and visiting several jewelry stores, she chose a ring from 925 SILVER SHINE. The ring featured a 1-carat ruby with excellent color and clarity, set in a white gold band. Emma was pleased with the purchase, as the ring came with a certification from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), ensuring the stone's quality.

The Jewelry Market in Russia

Russia's jewelry market is renowned for its craftsmanship and the use of high-quality gemstones. The country's rich history of jewelry making, combined with modern techniques, makes it a unique market for ruby jewelry.

Key Players in the Market

  1. Adamas: One of the largest jewelry retailers in Russia, offering a wide range of ruby jewelry.
  2. Almaz-Holding: Known for their exquisite designs and high-quality gemstones, including rubies.
  3. YUVELIRSOYUZ: A respected name in the Russian jewelry market, offering both classic and modern ruby jewelry designs.

Buying Ruby Jewelry in Russia: Tips and Insights

Understand the Market

The Russian jewelry market is known for its unique designs and high standards. When buying ruby jewelry in Russia, consider the following:

  • Design: Russian jewelry often features intricate designs and exceptional craftsmanship.
  • Quality: Look for rubies with excellent color and clarity, as these are highly valued in the market.
  • Price: Due to the high quality of craftsmanship and materials, ruby jewelry in Russia can be expensive. However, the investment is often worth it for the quality you receive.

Check Authenticity

Ensure that the ruby jewelry you purchase is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from a recognized gemological laboratory. This will provide assurance of the gemstone's quality and origin.

Visit Reputable Retailers

Buy from well-known and reputable jewelry stores to ensure you are getting high-quality products. Research online reviews and ask for recommendations to find trusted retailers.

Case Study: Buying Ruby Jewelry in Moscow

Olga, a Moscow resident, decided to buy a ruby pendant as a birthday gift for her daughter. She visited several high-end jewelry stores, including Adamas and Almaz-Holding. After comparing designs and prices, she chose a beautifully crafted pendant from Almaz-Holding, featuring a 0.75-carat ruby set in yellow gold. The pendant came with a certification from the Russian Gemological Institute, confirming the ruby's quality and authenticity. Olga was thrilled with her purchase and felt confident in the value of the pendant.

Comparing Ruby Jewelry Buying in Australia and Russia

Market Differences

  • Design Preferences: Australian jewelry tends to have a more contemporary and minimalist design, while Russian jewelry often features intricate and traditional designs.
  • Pricing: Ruby jewelry in Russia can be more expensive due to the high quality of craftsmanship and materials used.
  • Retail Experience: Both countries have reputable retailers, but the shopping experience can vary. In Australia, there is a strong focus on customer service and transparency, while in Russia, the emphasis is on craftsmanship and quality.


  • Quality Standards: Both markets prioritize high-quality gemstones and craftsmanship.
  • Certification: Ensuring the ruby's authenticity and quality through certification is important in both countries.
  • Consumer Education: Buyers in both countries are increasingly educated about the factors that affect a ruby's value and quality.


Buying July birthstone jewelry, whether in Australia or Russia, can be a rewarding experience when you know what to look for. Understanding the quality factors of rubies, checking for certifications, and comparing prices are crucial steps in making an informed purchase. By visiting reputable retailers and being aware of market differences, you can find the perfect ruby jewelry piece that suits your style and budget.

Whether you're drawn to the contemporary designs in Australia or the intricate craftsmanship in Russia, the key is ensuring you get a high-quality ruby that will be cherished for years to come. Use the insights and tips provided in this guide to make your ruby jewelry buying experience enjoyable and successful.

Additional Resources

  • Gemological Institute of America (GIA): Offers information on ruby quality factors and certification services.
  • Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA): Provides a directory of reputable jewelers in Australia.
  • Russian Gemological Institute: Provides certification services and information on gemstone quality.

By leveraging these resources and the information provided in this blog post, you can confidently navigate the ruby jewelry markets in Australia and Russia, ensuring a purchase that is both beautiful and valuable.

